Chapter 21
Exporting Your Finished Masterpiece
In This Chapter
Understanding the file formats available to you
Choosing the right export option for your project or file
Putting your music online
The end product of any successful mixing and mastering session is a final track worthy of sharing with the world. Or at least the people you wish to share your music with. In any case, once your tracks are ready, you must figure out how you’ll deliver your music to the masses. After all, you can’t just hand over your iPhone or iPad to everybody and play the track out of the apps you used to create it!
This chapter covers the file formats you can use to create your final tracks and the benefits and drawbacks of each. Most apps offers a multitude of export options, so you should become familiar with all potential file formats. You may not even need to create multiple file formats — think about placing your files on websites and services designed specifically to distribute your music and let them create the different versions from a single hi-res file.
Understanding File Formats
The alphabet soup of available file formats may seem a little confusing, but every format offers something ...
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