The Workspace Window

Command central for Xcode is the Workspace window, where you’ll do all the things you need to do to develop your app.

In this section, I present only an overview — more or less the map of what’s in the Workspace window and what each bar and button is and does. I came up with this as a way to provide a quick reference to the Workspace window so you can see all its elements, including the various bars and buttons and what they do.

Figure 2-1 shows a “map” of the window. (If you like, put a sticky note on this page so you can refer to this figure at any time when reading the book.) At first glance, it may seem overwhelming, but take a deep breath and don’t worry: I explain each part. As I take you through using Xcode to develop your app, I go into more detail as needed. So for now, take a quick read through the upcoming sections just to familiarize yourself with the lay of the land and then return to Figure 2-1 as needed for quick reference.

remember.eps Although I have added shadings to the Workspace window components in this chapter here for easy reference, figures in the remainder of the book show the components as they appear on your screen.

The Workspace window consists of:

check.png Workspace areas

The toolbar

An optional tab bar

The following sections describe each of these ...

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