Building and Running Your Application

xcodenavigation.eps As I mention in Chapter 2, the Xcode toolbar (Figure 3-9) is where you do things like run your application. I spell out the process a bit more here.

Figure 3-9: The Xcode toolbar.


The Flow controls are for defining, choosing, running, and stopping projects. They consist of:

check.png Run button: Clicking the Run button builds and runs the targets — a target is a product to build and the instructions for building the product from a set of files in a project or workspace for the currently selected scheme. Pressing and holding the mouse button opens a menu — also available in the Product menu — that allows you to run, test, profile, or analyze your application.

Holding various modifier keys while clicking the Run button allows you to select these other run options:

Control key: Run without building.

Shift key: Build without running.

Option key: Edit the scheme and run.

check.png Stop button: Terminates your (executing) application in the Simulator or the device.

Scheme menu: A scheme defines characteristics such as build targets, build configurations, and the ...

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