Chapter 22
Quizzing Students with Socrative
In This Chapter
Using quizzes for spontaneous feedback
Gathering and using data from students
Preparing and sharing quizzes
You know the feeling. You invested hours preparing those wonderful new examples that would crystallize an important new concept for your students only to spend the last half hour demonstrating them to a classroom full of glazed eyes and blank faces. Was it too simple? Did they just not get it? Should I have taken my father’s advice and taken up farming instead?
It can be difficult to know what’s really going on in your students’ heads. Unfortunately, you’re all coming back tomorrow, and your plan was to move on to the next topic. You could always pause and ask, “Which one of you didn’t understand what I was saying?” When you were a student, did you ever raise your hand when teachers asked that question? Think what a difference it might make to your teaching if you could flip a switch and discover when students aren’t understanding something in class. If you have iPads or any other devices with a web browser in your class, you can.
Generating Quizzes
Socrative is a simple student response system that works on iPads ...
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