Chapter 12

The E-Mail Must Get Through

In This Chapter

arrow Setting up your accounts

arrow Reading and managing e-mail messages

arrow Searching for e-mail messages

arrow Sending e-mail messages

arrow Setting e-mail preferences


Chapter 5 shows you how well your iPhone sends SMS text messages and iMessages. But such messages aren’t the iPhone’s only written communication trick, not by a long shot. One of the niftiest things your iPhone can do is send and receive real, honest-to-gosh e-mail, using Mail, its modern e-mail app. It’s designed not only to send and receive text e-mail messages, but also to handle rich HTML e-mail messages — formatted e-mail messages complete with font and type styles and embedded graphics.

Furthermore, your iPhone can read several types of file attachments, including PDF, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel documents, as well as stuff produced through Apple’s own iWork software. Better ...

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