Chapter 29
Touches and Gestures
iOS devices differ from traditional non-mobile devices. Interaction is received from a touch or gesture, rather from a keyboard or mouse. The touch or gesture is a UIEvent and the UIApplication class manages these events. The events that are most common on iOS devices are touch events interacting with views.
A touch sequence begins as a finger or fingers are placed on the touch screen, and ends when the last finger is removed from the touch screen.
Single-fingered events can be a tap, touch, and hold, or the drag and swipe. Multiple-fingered events, for example, can be a pinch, commonly used to zoom in or out on a photo.
This lesson looks at the two techniques of touch event handling:
- Use of the phase methods: touchesBegin, touchesMoved, touchesCancelled, and touchesEnded.
- Use of the UIGestureRecognizer class.
Touch Events
A touch event is a UIEvent of the type UIEventTypeTouches. The touch itself is a UITouch object that contains the following information:
- locationInView: The touch coordinates
- previousLocationInView: Previous coordinates
- tapCount: Current tap count
- timestamp: Time of the last touch
- phase: The current touch phase
When a touch event occurs, it is placed on a queue that is distributed by the application to the window where the event was initiated. The event is then forwarded to a first responder. In most cases, the first responder is the view where the touch occurred.
If that view cannot handle the touch event, the event is then ...
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