
When first learning the iOS development environment, it is natural to be overwhelmed with new concepts like view controllers and table views. While experience with previous development environments and languages is helpful, and iOS developing resources are available from Apple and forums, it is still a daunting task to become proficient.

This book is written to help someone new to iOS development come to grips with the basic concepts, and hopefully avoid making the mistakes we made when we were starting out. This book adopts a hands-on Try It approach, and you get to try out each new concept as you progress through the book.

iOS application development is a huge topic, and it is just not possible to put every single topic related to iOS application development in this book. That being said, the aim of this book is to help you get started and to understand the fundamentals of the SDK.

This book has been written for you, the reader. We hope that after reading this book, you can take your first steps into the wildly exciting world of iOS app development.

Who This Book Is For

This book is for beginners with little or no prior programming experience who want to pursue a career in the exciting world of iOS development.

If you are a beginner and are looking for a book to help you get up to speed with basic concepts and start you down your journey of iOS application development, this is the book for you.

Although you do not need to have any prior programming experience, a ...

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