© Megan Holstein 2019
Megan HolsteiniPhone App Design for Entrepreneurshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4285-8_11

11. Case Study: Applits

Megan Holstein1 
Dublin, OH, USA
  • Applits has kindly taken the time to write a case study for the readers of this book.

Applits is a company that relies on crowd-sourcing to bring its app ideas to market. The Applits platform takes a unique approach to the industry, running as a monthly competition where site members submit their app ideas and vote on their favorites, and the most popular ones are developed by Applits. Submitters of the winning app idea receive 15% of the profits the app makes once on the market.

Additionally, Applits members are able to win smaller amounts of revenue by participating in ...

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