App Review

Once you've uploaded your app with iTunes Connect, you're waiting in line. And it's a line with about 1,000 other developers. The length of the app review process has varied over time, with the average wait time being between a few days and a couple of weeks.

Waiting for your app to be approved is hard: Everything is done and you're anxious to show it off. Time passes more quickly if you focus on other activities like getting your website finished, press releases written, and ramping up your marketing efforts. Now is a great time to contact the media and get them interested in the upcoming release—get as many bloggers and journalists signed up as possible.

The app review process can also be a source of frustration. Don't feel bad if you get rejected; most developers have suffered this fate. Read on to find out what you can do to avoid it.

Make Sure You Haven't Broken Any Rules

There are many causes for rejection. In many cases, it's because you didn't follow the rules laid out in Section 3.3 of the iPhone SDK Agreement that you signed. This section of the document specifies the rules for using the SDK, user interfaces, data, privacy, content, network usage, and other aspects of development. Smart developers read this section carefully.

Unfortunately, much of this legal agreement can be left open to interpretation. The best advice is to use common sense and to do unto Apple as you would have them do unto you.

To help you get a feel for what's acceptable and what's not, here ...

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