List of Listings
Chapter 3. Redeveloping web pages for the iPhone
Listing 3.1. Checking the user’s agent to see when an iPhone is browsing
Listing 3.2. Applying style sheets using media detection
Listing 3.3. Scrolling the URL bar chrome off the screen with JavaScript
Chapter 4. Advanced WebKit and textual web apps
Listing 4.1. Using the new CSS web properties to create an attractive box
Listing 4.2. Using transitions to animate changes between styles
Listing 4.3. Scaling a picture to create thumbnails
Listing 4.4. Using animation keyframes
Listing 4.5. A database that saves online data to a local resource
Listing 4.6. Detecting and measuring touches
Listing 4.7. Using WebKit gestures to model pinches and rotations
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