Chapter 6. Making a Racket: Audio Toolbox and AVFoundation
The AVFoundation framework was introduced in version 2.2 of the iPhone SDK, and provides functionality for playing and mixing sound files, metering, and basic audio control. If you’re adding simple sounds to your application, this framework can be implemented quickly and painlessly.
The Audio Toolbox framework is responsible for managing digital sound output on the iPhone. Unlike many of the frameworks covered in this book so far, the Audio Toolbox framework is predominantly C-oriented. This powerful framework allows you to generate and record digital sound. In addition to the examples provided in this chapter, many references have been written for Audio Toolbox, which are available on the Apple Developer Connection website. These include the following:
- Core Audio Overview: AudioToolbox.framework
- Audio Toolbox Framework Reference
- Audio File Services Reference
- Audio File Stream Services Reference
- Audio Queue Services Reference
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