Three Ways to Send Photos or Videos

You can send a photo or video by email, by picture message to another cellphone, or to a Web page—all right from the iPhone.

That's useful when you're out shopping and want to seek your spouse's opinion on something you're about to buy. It's handy when you want to remember the parking-garage section where you parked ("4 South"). It's great when you want to give your buddies a glimpse of whatever hell or heaven you're experiencing at the moment.

Once a photo is on the screen before you, tap the button. Now you have a bunch of options:

image with no caption
image with no caption
  • Email Photo (Email Video). The iPhone automatically scales, rotates, and attaches the photo or video clip to a new outgoing message. All you have to do is address it and hit Send.

    (The fine print: Photo resolution is reduced to 640 x 480 pixels, unless you use the tip on Copying/Sending/Deleting in Batches. Using the steps on Slideshows, you can send up to five photos at once. Void where prohibited.)

  • MMS. One of the best bits of iPhone 3.0 news is that it lets the iPhone 3G and 3GS do what ordinary cellphones have done for years: send a photo or video as a picture or video message. It winds up on the screen of the other guy's ...

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