Chapter 13. Email
Email on your iPhone offers full formatting, fonts, graphics, and choice of type size; file attachments like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Pages, Numbers, photos, and even .zip compressed files; and compatibility with Yahoo Mail, Gmail, AOL Mail, iCloud mail, corporate Exchange mail, and any standard email account.
Dude, if you want a more satisfying portable email machine than this one, buy a laptop.
This chapter covers the basic email experience. If you’ve gotten yourself hooked up with iCloud or Exchange ActiveSync, see Chapter 15 and Chapter 17 for details.
Setting Up Your Account
If you play your cards right, you won’t have to set up your email account on the phone. The first time you set up the iPhone to sync with your computer (Chapter 14), you’re offered the chance to sync your Mac’s or PC’s mail with the phone. That doesn’t mean it copies actual messages—only the email settings, so the iPhone is ready to start downloading mail.
You’re offered this option if your Mac’s mail program is Mail or Outlook/Entourage, or if your PC’s mail program is Outlook, Outlook Express, or Windows Mail.
But what if you don’t use one of those email programs? No sweat. You can also plug the necessary settings right into the iPhone.
Free Email Accounts
If you have a free email account from Google, AOL, Outlook, or Yahoo; an iCloud account (Chapter 15); or a Microsoft Exchange account run by your employer (Chapter 17), then setup on the iPhone is easy.
From the Home screen, tap Settings ...
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