Chapter 2. iPhone Basic Training
In This Chapter
Activating the iPhone
Turning the device on and off
Locking your iPhone
Mastering multitouch
Cutting, copying, and pasting
Using voice
Spotlighting search
By now you know that the iPhone is very different from other cell phones. If you got caught up in the initial iPhone frenzy of 2007, you may have plotted for months about how to land one. After all, the iPhone quickly emerged as the ultimate fashion phone. And the chic device hosted a bevy of cool features. (Keep reading this book for proof.)
To snag the very first version, you may have saved your pennies or said, "The budget be damned." Owning the hippest and most-hyped handset on the planet came at a premium cost compared with rival devices.
Something else was different about the iPhone purchasing experience in 2007: the way it was activated. No salesperson was going to guide you through the process, whether you picked up your newly prized possession in an Apple retail store, an AT&T retail store, or on the Web. Instead, you had to handle activation solo, in the comfort of your home.
Unless you were among those people who experienced activation hiccups in the days soon after the phone was released in June 2007, the process of getting up to speed with the iPhone was (for the most part) dirt simple and fun — as it is with most products with an Apple pedigree.
Well, forget all that has gone before. ...
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