382 iphoto ’08: the missing manual
As Figure B-2 illustrates, you can now browse or search the old copies of your backups.
Each time you click on the big perspective arrow, Time Machine shows you the same
iPhoto window as it was the last time anything changed. The idea is that this way, you
can find the photo or album as it existed before it got deleted or damaged. (You can
also drag your cursor through the time ruler on the right side of the screen.)
When you find the missing photos or albums, select them (page 114), and then click
Restore. You return to your current iPhoto library, where the missing or damaged
photos are magically reimported—from the past.
Edit Menu
As you would expect, the commands in the Edit menu let you edit various parts of
your Photo Library, such as keywords, photo titles, and the sort order. The standard
Cut, Copy, and Paste commands operate on selected text and photos as normal.
Where would this world be without Undo? In iPhoto, you even have a multiple Undo;
using this command (and its keyboard equivalent, c-Z), you can reverse your last
series of actions in iPhoto, backing out of your bad decisions with no harm done
(Figure B-3). How nice to know that if you go too heavy on the contrast, delete an
important photo, or crop out your grandmother’s earlobe, there’s a quick and easy
way out.
File Menu
Figure B-2:
In Time
Machine view,
iPhoto is very
stripped down.
When you
select some
photos, and
then click
Restore, you
return to your
current iPhoto
setup, where
the rescued
photos are
reinstated. (Try
to avoid getting
your tears of
relief into the
appendix b: iphoto ’08, menu by menu 383
Note that the Undo command tracks your changes in each window independently.
For example, suppose youre in the main iPhoto window. You enter Edit mode, where
you crop a photo and rotate it. Now you double-click the photo so that it opens in its
own window. Here, you fix some red eye and adjust the contrast.
As long as you remain in the new window, you can undo the contrast and red-eye
adjustments—but if you return to the main window, you’ll find that the Undo com-
mand will take back only your original actions—the cropping and rotating.
So while iPhoto can handle multiple levels of undo, keep in mind that each window
maintains its own private stash of Undos.
Redo (Shift-c-Z) lets you undo what you just undid. In other words, it reapplies the
action you just reversed using the Undo command.
Cut, Copy, Paste
These commands work exactly the way they do in your word processor when youre
editing photo titles, comments, keywords, or any other text fields. In addition, they
have a few special functions when they’re used in certain parts of iPhoto.
to remove them from the album. (This doesn’t delete them from the Photo Library,
only from that particular album.) To move the photos to a different album, click
the albums name, or click one of its photos, and then choose Paste.
Copy and Paste commands. Select a file, choose Copy, click the destination photo
album, and finally choose Paste.
Edit Menu
Figure B-3:
Just about any action you perform in iPhoto can be
reversed with the Undo command. The menu command
itself always spells out exactly what it’s going to undo—
Undo Add Photo to Album, Undo Cropping, and so
on—so that you know which action you’re backing out of.
The one un-undoable action to keep in mind is emptying
the iPhoto Trash. Once that’s done, your trashed photos
are gone for good.

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