Picturing Your Life on the iPod Photo
So, you’ve done it. You, the Devotee of Displaying Digital Photos (or perhaps you’re the Coveter of the Color Screen), have ponied up the extra cash and proudly purchased not just an iPod—but an iPod Photo. And even if you haven’t taken the Photo plunge, read on to find out more about what makes this iPod special and what you can do with it.
The iPod Photo
With the iPod Photo, you can transfer all or part of your photo collection to the player and store up to 25,000 images (so says Apple) in your pocket alongside your music—plus you can call up your pictures to look at right on the iPod’s sharp 220 x 176 pixel screen. It’s a lot more impressive than whipping out your wallet and fumbling with those little plastic flippy sleeves to show off pictures of your kids, spouse, cat, or vintage tractor, that’s for sure.
The iPod Photo is available in two sizes, a 30-gigabyte model and a big, beefy 60-gigabyte version for the person who’s equally enthused or obsessed with digital music and pictures. Or with digital pictures of your music, as it can display the album artwork from iTunes Music Store tracks or personalized images you’ve added to your song files (page 107). (A 40-gigabyte model appeared briefly in 2004.)
The picture-perfect player also has its own special dock and AV cable that you can use to hook up the iPod Photo to your television set for a really big slideshow—scored to the soundtrack of your favorite songs on the iPod. If you’re extra fussy ...
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