Chapter 13. Playing Content in iTunes
In This Chapter
Adjusting your computer volume
Playing songs on your stereo through a wireless AirTunes connection
Playing songs, podcasts, and audio books in iTunes
Playing videos in iTunes
If you like to entertain folks by spinning tunes and playing videos at home or at parties, iTunes could easily become your media jockey console. With iTunes, your computer is a mean multimedia machine that can mix sounds, photos, and videos. And even if you've never mastered a stereo system beyond adjusting the bass, treble, and volume, you can quickly and easily fine-tune the sound in iTunes, and even adjust the volume and equalizer settings for each song, video, audio book, and podcast.
But that's not all: You can also use iTunes to play video on your computer's display, or you can send it to a larger television or display monitor — even a video projector — to get a bigger picture. And if you've integrated Apple TV with your home audio system and television, you can use iTunes to feed music and video to Apple TV wirelessly, as I describe in this chapter.
To find out more about Apple TV, visit this book's companion Web site.
Changing the Computer's Output Volume
You can control the volume and other characteristics of the sound coming from your computer's speakers, headphones, or external speakers. Even if you connect your computer to a home audio system with its own volume and equalizer controls, it's best to get the volume correct at the source — your computer ...
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