Appendix A. iTunes, Menu by Menu
While you can do almost anything in iTunes by clicking buttons or pressing keys, some functions are available only in the menus at the top of the screen. This appendix covers each menu command—left to right, top to bottom.
This appendix assumes that you’re using the latest version of iTunes 4 for Mac OS X and Windows. (Differences between the Mac and Windows versions, and between the Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X versions, are noted where necessary.) If you find clicking around in menus too slow to bear, there’s a list of keyboard shortcuts at the end.
Application Menu (Mac); Help Menu (Windows)
In Mac OS X, commands that pertain to an overall program—like Hide and Quit—appear in the Application menu, the one bearing the program’s name, just to the right of the menu.
In Windows, most of the equivalent commands appear in the Help menu (or at least they do in iTunes).
About iTunes
The information in this menu tells you what version of the program you’re using, along with the software’s creator and copyright information. (In Mac OS 9, About iTunes appears in the menu only when iTunes is in front.)
iTunes Hot Tips
This little nudge from Apple takes you to a Web page where you can read up on tips and tricks that make using iTunes a little more fun and a lot more efficient. ...
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