Chapter 8Practice Test 1

  1. Which of the following is not a type of attack used against access controls?

    1. Dictionary attack
    2. Brute-force attack
    3. Teardrop
    4. Man-in-the-middle attack
  2. George is assisting a prosecutor with a case against a hacker who attempted to break into the computer systems at George’s company. He provides system logs to the prosecutor for use as evidence, but the prosecutor insists that George testify in court about how he gathered the logs. What rule of evidence requires George’s testimony?

    1. Testimonial evidence rule
    2. Parol evidence rule
    3. Best evidence rule
    4. Hearsay rule
  3. Jim has been asked to individually identify devices that users are bringing to work as part of a new BYOD policy. The devices will not be joined to ...

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