144 iSeries Access for Web V5R2 and WebSphere Host Publisher V4.0
access data from a Java program (applet or application) running on a remote machine.
Refer to 6.8, Web Services overview on page 212, for details.
6.2 Integration Objects
Every Integration Object, whether it is created using the Host Access component or the
Database Access component of Host Publisher Studio, has two characteristics:
It interacts with a data source.
It is associated with a connection pool.
The following sections cover these characteristics that are common to all Integration Objects.
You can find more detailed information about creating Integration Objects using either the
Host Access component or the Database Access component in:
Section 6.3, Creating a Host Access Integration Object on page 149, to create
Integration Objects that access data from a 5250, 3270, or VT application
Section 6.4, Creating a Database Access Integration Object on page 173, to create
Integration Objects that encapsulate a database statement
6.2.1 Interacting with a data source
Host Access Integration Objects interact with the host application by means of macros.
Macros connect to the host, interact with applications on the host, and disconnect from the
host. See 6.3.1, Building an Integration Object using macros on page 149, for details.
Database Access Integration Objects contain SQL statements to access data in the
database. See Retrieving information from a database on page 173 for details.
6.2.2 Defining connection pools
Every Integration Object is associated with a connection pool. A connection pool is a
collection of communication links to backend data sources, such as 5250 applications or
databases. When an Integration Object is run on behalf of a client request and pooling is
enabled, the Integration Object obtains an available connection from a pool, uses it for access
to the data source, and then returns the connection to the pool.
For each Integration Object created, a new connection pool or an existing connection pool
may be shared. A Host Access Integration Object may be created in a default connection
pool. Figure 6-3 shows the Connection Pools and Pool Configuration panels.

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