Chapter 6. Using Host Publisher Studio to develop J2EE applications 213
Host Publisher Web Services support differs from programming with Integration Objects
because only the following method is used to create the Web Service:
IONamePropertiesObjectSuffix processWSRequest(IONamePropertiesObjectSuffix) throws
The processWSRequest method is contained in the helper object when Create Web Services
support is selected on the Host Access or Database Access Options menu. The
object contains the input and output of an Integration Object.
This object is passed to and from the Web Services processWSRequest method. It contains
getter and setter methods, but no additional methods.
The processWSRequest method takes the properties object as input, drives the Integration
Object with those input properties, and returns the output properties of the Integration Object
through a new instance of the properties object. The advantage of using the
processWSRequest method is that it provides a single method that sets all inputs, drives the
Integration Object, and returns all outputs.
6.8.2 Creating and deploying a Web Service
To create an Integration Object in Host Publisher and then enable it to become a Web
Service, perform the following steps:
1. Using Host Publisher Studio, create one or more Integration Objects or EJB access beans.
Click Options-> Create Web Services Integration Object Support (Figure 6-84).
Figure 6-84 Web Services support
2. Import the Web Services Integration Objects or EJB access beans into Application
Integrator. Create an application that consists of Web Services Integration Objects, EJB
access beans, or both, and then generate an EAR file for the application. Click File->
Create J2EE Archives.
3. Import the EAR file into a J2EE-enabled WebSphere Studio tool, such as WebSphere
Studio Application Developer.
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