Chapter 6. Using Host Publisher Studio to develop J2EE applications 225
Figure 6-96 Generating the Deploy and RMIC Code
Figure 6-97 Generate Deploy and RMIC Code
4. If you created JSP files in Host Publisher Application Integrator, you may test the IOs or
EJB access beans within WebSphere Studio Application Developer to ensure that they
work as desired before you create Web Services.
226 iSeries Access for Web V5R2 and WebSphere Host Publisher V4.0
Creating Web Services for IOs and EJB access beans
Create Web Services for IOs and EJB access beans from the processWSRequest method in
the Helper class or EJB access bean. Choose to create a sample to test the Web Services:
1. Change to the Web Perspective.
2. Navigate to File-> New-> Web Service.
3. On the Web Service window (Figure 6-98), select the following options:
Java bean Web Service for Web service type
Your Web project
The Generate a proxy check box
The Generate a sample check box
Click Next.
Figure 6-98 New Web Service
4. Click Browse classes again.
5. On the Browse Classes window (Figure 6-99), type the first letter of the class name.
6. Select your Helper class if you are creating Web Services for an Integration Object. Select
the Access Bean class if you are creating Web Services for an EJB access bean. Click
Chapter 6. Using Host Publisher Studio to develop J2EE applications 227
Figure 6-99 Browse Classes
7. Click Next on the Web Service Java Bean Selection window.
8. On the Web Service Java Bean Identity window (Figure 6-100), select Request for Scope.
Click Next.
Note: Request Scope means that the Helper Object or EJB access bean is available for
the duration of the HTTP request.
228 iSeries Access for Web V5R2 and WebSphere Host Publisher V4.0
Figure 6-100 Scope
9. On the Web Service Java Bean Methods window (Figure 6-101), deselect all methods
IntegrationObect.YourWSProperties processWSRequest
Click Next.
Chapter 6. Using Host Publisher Studio to develop J2EE applications 229
Figure 6-101 Selecting processWSRequest
10.Continue clicking Next on each window (keeping the default settings) until you reach the
Web Service Publication window (Figure 6-102). It shows what is generated during the
Web Services creation.

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