

They work for companies but not for people, because we are emotional creatures. That’s why I think S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timeframe) goals are dead. The idea is so 1980s! It’s time for a new way to set goals for the different times we live in, and for the different ways we can all achieve what is important to us.

The reason I believe the S.M.A.R.T. idea is past its use-by date is that you and I experience a vast range of feelings and emotions. There are over 130 different emotions we can all experience.

After 25 years of working with people and their goals, I believe the missing piece of the puzzle is the emotional connection, the true goal alignment that comes when you know how you want to feel, you think about what you want to achieve and then you do what’s necessary to make it come true.

Why would logical, intelligent people set a goal that is important to them, that will bring them a better result, only to procrastinate over taking the action, and have to negotiate with themselves each step of the way?

Traditionally people approach goals like this: they set the goal, take action to achieve the goal, achieve a result, then experience a feeling — joy, success, satisfaction or accomplishment. It looks like this:

1 Goal: I want to lose 10 kilos. ...

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