Figure 3-1: Set preferences in the Application ...
Chapter 3
Managing the iWork for Mac Menus and Toolbars
In This Chapter
Using the basic menus
Speeding up things with shortcut menus
Saving time with toolbars
The menu and toolbar systems for iWork provide a great deal of standardization so that each iWork app functions in very much the same way. This chapter provides an introduction to the menus and toolbars.
The Application Menu in Pages, Numbers, and Keynote
The Application menu is where you set preferences (which can be different for each application). This menu is also where you find the About command, shown in Figure 3-1, which shows the version information.
You can show or hide all application windows. (This applies to all Mac applications, including the iWork applications.) You can also show all application windows.
The Application menu is also where you can register your software or try it out before you buy it. And, at the end of the menu, you find the Quit command.
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