


HttpConnection is a ContentConnection that uses HTTP 1.1 as its underlying protocol. An instance of HttpConnection is obtained by invoking the Connector open() with a name argument of the form http://host:port/path. Some implementations may also support a secure connection using HTTPS.

The usual sequence of events when using an HttpConnection is to first call setRequestMethod() to set the request method type to either GET (the default), HEAD or POST. Next, add any optional HTTP headers using the setRequestProperty() method. Finally, if this is a POST request, write any data to be sent to an output stream obtained from the openOutputStream() or openDataOutputStream() methods (inherited from ContentConnection).

The getResponseCode() method can be called to retrieve the server’s response, which will indicate whether the request was successful (HTTP_OK). Some response codes, such as HTTP_MOVED_TEMP or HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, require the application to take further action before the request can be performed. The getResponseMessage() method returns any message sent by the server to further explain or qualify the response code.

HTTP headers sent by the server can be retrieved in several ways. The getHeaderFieldKey() and getHeaderField() methods can be used to access all of the headers in the request by supplying a zero-based index. These methods return null when the last header has been reached. Given the name of a header, its value can either be retrieved in ...

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