How to do it...

  1. Let's implement the APIs in the com.packt.math.MathUtil class, starting with the isPrime(Integer number) API:
        public static Boolean isPrime(Integer number){
          if ( number == 1 ) { return false; }
          return IntStream.range(2,num).noneMatch(i -> num % i == 0 );
  1. Implement the sumOfFirstNPrimes(Integer count) API:
        public static Integer sumOfFirstNPrimes(Integer count){
          return IntStream.iterate(1,i -> i+1)
                          .filter(j -> isPrime(j))
  1. Let's write a function to check whether the number is even:
        public static Boolean isEven(Integer number){
          return number % 2 == 0;
  1. The negation of isEven tells us whether the number is odd. We ...

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