
[Note: Page references for defining occurrences of terms appear in bold.]


^ boolean logical exclusive OR 102, 104

truth table 104

^, bitwise exclusive OR 999

^=, bitwise exclusive OR assignment operator 1009

_ SQL wildcard character 720, 721

, (comma) formatting flag 89

! logical NOT 102, 105

truth table 105

!= not equals 32

? (wildcard type argument) 581

?: ternary conditional operator 63, 77

. dot separator 41

{ left brace 22

} right brace 22

@FunctionalInterface annotation 536

@Override annotation 229

* multiplication 30, 31

* SQL wildcard character 719

* wildcard in a file name 43

*= multiplication assignment operator 75

/ division 30, 31

/ forward slash in end tags 592

/! JShell command 771, 797

/? JShell command 798

/* */ ...

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