Chapter 4

Choosing from a List

In This Chapter

arrow Combo boxes

arrow Lists

arrow Spinners

arrow Trees

A whole category of Swing components is designed to let the user choose one or more items from a list. This chapter presents four such controls. The first three — JList, JComboBox, and JSpinner — are straightforward. The fourth — JTree — is a bit more complicated but worth the effort.

warning.eps If you put a JTree control in a frame, your friends will surely think you're some kind of guru. They'll start pestering you with questions and asking for your help. As a result, use this component only if your application really needs it — and if you feel up to the technical challenge of figuring out how it works.

Using Combo Boxes

warning.eps A combo box is a combination of a text field and a drop-down list from which the user can choose a value. If the text-field portion of the control is editable, the user can enter a value in the ...

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