Chapter 5

IoT Programming with Raspberry Pi


check Finding out what a Raspberry Pi is

check Looking at various versions of the Raspberry Pi

check Getting your Raspberry Pi ready for Java

check Building simple Raspberry Pi circuits

check Writing a few simple Raspberry Pi programs to control GPIO pins

Welcome to the Internet of Things (IoT)!

The world has exploded with small devices powered by microprocessors and connected to the Internet, including smart TVs, air conditioning and heating controllers, smart-home hubs and controllers, smart speakers, refrigerators, home security systems, toys and games, and more.

The programs that run on IoT devices are often referred to as embedded programs because the device is typically locked down to prevent other types of programs from being loaded and run. In other words, these devices are single-purpose, with one and only one program that runs on the device. For example, an IoT thermostat has just one program, designed to turn your air conditioner and/or heater ...

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