Favor For-Each Over For Loops

 class​ LaunchChecklist {
  List<String> checks = Arrays.asList(​"Cabin Pressure"​,
  Status prepareForTakeoff(Commander commander) {
»for​ (​int​ i = 0; i < checks.size(); i++) {
»boolean​ shouldAbortTakeoff = commander.isFailing(checks.get(i));
 if​ (shouldAbortTakeoff) {
 return​ Status.ABORT_TAKE_OFF;
 return​ Status.READY_FOR_TAKE_OFF;

There are many ways to iterate over a data structure. The one that beginners are usually taught isn’t exactly the best one.

The code here shows an iteration on a data structure, a List named checks. It uses a for loop and iterates over checks using an index variable i.

This is a very traditional way of iterating, ...

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