212. Phasers

A phaser is a flexible Java synchronizer that combines the functionalities of CyclicBarrier and CountDownLatch in the following context:

  • A phaser is made of one or multiple phases that act as barriers for a dynamic number of parties (threads).
  • During a phaser lifespan, the number of synchronized parties (threads) can be modified dynamically. We can register/deregister parties.
  • The currently-registered parties must wait in the current phase (barrier) before going to the next step of execution (next phase)—as in the case of CyclicBarrier.
  • Each phase of a phaser can be identified via an associated number/index starting from 0. The first phase is 0, the next phase is 1, the next phase is 2, and so on until Integer.MAX_VALUE.
  • A phaser ...

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