Servlet Responses

In order to do anything useful, a servlet must send a response to each request that is made to it. In the case of an HTTP servlet, the response can include three components: a status code, any number of HTTP headers, and a response body.

The ServletResponse and HttpServletResponse interfaces include all the methods needed to create and manipulate a servlet’s output. We’ve already seen that you specify the MIME type for the data returned by a servlet using the setContentType() method of the response object passed into the servlet. With an HTTP servlet, the MIME type is generally text/html, although some servlets return binary data: a servlet that loads a GIF file from a database and sends it to the web browser should set a content type of image/gif, while a servlet that returns an Adobe Acrobat file should set it to application/pdf.

ServletResponse and HttpServletResponse each define two methods for producing output streams, getOutputStream() and getWriter(). The former returns a ServletOutputStream, which can be used for textual or binary data. The latter returns a object, which is used only for textual output. The getWriter() method examines the content type to determine which charset to use, so setContentType() should be called before getWriter().

HttpServletResponse also includes a number of methods for handling HTTP responses . Most of these allow you to manipulate the HTTP header fields. For example, setHeader(), setIntHeader(), and setDateHeader() ...

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