Hibernate Services

Hibernate provides a variety of services to you, whether through native Hibernate libraries or third-party libraries that you can download along with the core framework. For the purposes of this chapter, we’ll examine just three: transaction management, caching support, and security. Many others are available, and you can learn about them in Hibernate’s excellent online documentation.


Most database applications require transactions in order to provide some level of assurance around updates to the tables. Hibernate provides a fully ACID-compliant local transaction manager for use with applications talking to a single database.[68] You can make use of the transaction provider with minimal effort, but it is often useful to be explicit about your use of transactions in your data code. This means making use of Hibernate’s Transaction object.

When beginning transactional work against a single database, you can explicitly begin a transaction within an open Session:

Session session = factory.openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();

Remember that the Session object does not actually grab a JDBC connection from the pool until you make a call that requires data access. The call to beginTransaction forces the Session to retrieve a connection because a transaction is meaningless without a connection as context.

Once a transaction has been established, you can do your data work. Any usage of the Session to access the database between the call to

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