Java for Beginners: Your Easy Guide to Java Programming

Video description

Java is one of the most popular programming languages. Java is used for software development, mobile and web applications, cloud and big data projects, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and much more.

This highly-focused Java for beginners' course will stick to the most important skills that you need to learn Java quickly and efficiently.

The instructor has broken down the essence of Java into bite-sized lessons to make it easy for anyone to understand and implement important concepts while learning.

The course begins with setting up the environment, followed by first/basic steps, then you’ll learn about variables, expressions, strings, conditionals, loops, methods, classes and objects, exceptions, and collections. The last section is purely dedicated to the frequent questions asked by beginners in Java programming.

By the end of this course, you will acquire substantial knowledge in Java programming to advance your career as a Java programmer.

What You Will Learn

  • Understand the basics of programming
  • Explore the tools you need to program with Java
  • Learn how to set up your Java environment and start a new project
  • Study about variables, types of data, and expressions
  • Look at strings, conditionals, and loops in detail
  • Learn methods, classes and objects, exceptions, and collections


This course is for anyone who wants to become a Java developer and is interested in computer programming, with no experience. It is designed for absolute beginners.

No programming experience is needed; all you need is a desire to learn Java. Everything you need to run and practice with Java is explained in the course.

About The Author

Matthew Speake: Matthew Speake is a Java technologist and trainer. He has over 20 years of experience working everywhere from small start-ups to large global corporations and is the principal trainer at Zention in the UK.

He started JavaEasily in 2018 to produce courses focused on teaching Java technology to students all around the world. Since then, JavaEasily has been busy creating and publishing courses and articles on different aspects of Java to help beginners and intermediate Java developers enhance their skills. JavaEasily helps you become a better Java developer by teaching you the core skills you need in order to succeed in your Java career.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Introduction to the Course
    1. Introduction
    2. What is Programming?
    3. The Tools You Need
  2. Chapter 2 : Setting Up
    1. Section Introduction
    2. Installing the JDK on Windows
    3. Setting Up Environment Variables on Windows
    4. Installing IntelliJ IDEA on Windows
    5. Installing the JDK on Mac
    6. Setting Up Environment Variables on Mac
    7. Installing IntelliJ IDEA on Mac
  3. Chapter 3 : First Steps
    1. Section Introduction
    2. Creating a New Project
    3. Creating and Loading a Template Project
    4. Welcome to Your Challenge!
    5. Challenge Part 1 - Exercise
    6. Challenge Part 1 - Solution
  4. Chapter 4 : Variables
    1. Section Introduction
    2. What are Variables?
    3. Ints
    4. Doubles
    5. Booleans
    6. Strings
    7. Primitive Versus Class Types
    8. Conclusion
    9. Challenge Part 2 - Exercise
    10. Challenge Part 2 - Solution
  5. Chapter 5 : Expressions
    1. Section Introduction
    2. Numeric Expressions
    3. Boolean Expressions
    4. Simplifying Boolean Expressions
    5. Logical Operators
    6. Challenge Part 3 - Exercise
    7. Challenge Part 3 - Solution
  6. Chapter 6 : Strings
    1. Section Introduction
    2. String Concatenation
    3. String Operations
    4. Transforming Strings
    5. Boolean-Based String Checks
    6. Int-Based String Checks
    7. Creating New Strings
    8. Challenge Part 4 - Exercise
    9. Challenge Part 4 - Solution
  7. Chapter 7 : Conditionals
    1. Section Introduction
    2. Logical Operators Recap
    3. The If Block
    4. The Else Block
    5. Alternate Flows with Elseif
    6. Thinking About Conditionals
    7. Dead Branches
    8. Refactoring to Simplify Conditionals
    9. Nested Conditionals
    10. Good Versus Bad Refactoring
    11. The Switch Statement
    12. Break Statements in Switches
    13. The Ternary Operator
    14. Challenge Part 5 - Exercise
    15. Challenge Part 5 - Solution
  8. Chapter 8 : Loops
    1. Section Introduction
    2. What are Loops?
    3. The While Loop
    4. The Do While Loop
    5. The For Loop
    6. Esoteric Loops
    7. The For Each Loop with Collections
    8. Processing Collections with Streams
    9. Challenge Part 6 - Exercise
    10. Challenge Part 6 - Solution
  9. Chapter 9 : Methods
    1. Section Introduction
    2. What are Methods?
    3. Creating a Method
    4. Calling a Method
    5. Passing Parameters
    6. Passing Multiple Parameters
    7. Returning Output from a Method
    8. Using a Returned Value
    9. Refactoring: Inlining
    10. Refactoring: Removing Unnecessary Variables
    11. Challenge Part 7 - Exercise
    12. Challenge Part 7 - Solution
  10. Chapter 10 : Classes and Objects
    1. Section Introduction
    2. What are Objects?
    3. Creating a Class
    4. Visibility Modifiers
    5. Constructors
    6. The Default Constructor
    7. Instances and State
    8. Adding Methods to Classes
    9. Getters and Setters
    10. Why Encapsulation is Important
    11. Protecting the Integrity of Your Objects
    12. Composing Objects
    13. Referencing Other Objects
    14. Object References
    15. Stepping into an Object's Methods
    16. Concept of Inheritance
    17. Extending a Class
    18. Adding Custom Methods
    19. Creating Another Subclass
    20. Viewing the Type Hierarchy
    21. Superclass Variable References
    22. Concept of Polymorphism
    23. Abstract Methods
    24. Non-Instantiability of Abstract Classes
    25. Implementing Abstract Methods
    26. Custom Implementation of Superclass Methods
    27. Polymorphism in Action
    28. Recap of OO Concepts
    29. Challenge Part 8 - Exercise
    30. Challenge Part 8 - Solution
  11. Chapter 11 : Exceptions
    1. Section Introduction
    2. Concept of an Exception
    3. Try Catch Blocks
    4. Scoping in Try Blocks
    5. Happy Path and Error Path
    6. Throwing Exceptions
    7. Creating and Throwing Your Own Exceptions
    8. Chaining Exceptions
    9. Checked Exceptions
    10. Non-Checked Exceptions
    11. Differences Between Checked and Non-Checked Exceptions
    12. Bubbling Exceptions Up the Call Stack
    13. Runtime Exception Handling in Nested Method Calls
    14. Checked Exception Handling in Nested Method Calls
    15. Exceptions and Non-Void Methods
    16. Multiple Catch Blocks
    17. Alternate Exceptions in a Catch Block
    18. Ordering of Catch Blocks
    19. Challenge Part 9 - Exercise
    20. Challenge Part 9 - Solution
  12. Chapter 12 : Collections
    1. Section Introduction
    2. Lists
    3. The Collection Interface
    4. Sets
    5. Lists Versus Sets
    6. Maps
    7. Coding with Classes and Collections
    8. Using Your Own Classes with Collections
    9. The Equals Method with Collections
    10. Implementing Hash Code and Equals
  13. Chapter 13 : Frequently Asked Questions for Java Beginners
    1. What is Java? And How Does It Differ from Other Programming Languages?
    2. Do I Need to Know How to Program in Other Languages to Learn Java?
    3. What Kind of Computer Do I Need to Code with Java?
    4. Do I Need to Know Math to Program with Java?
    5. What Can You Do with Java?
    6. What Tools Do You Need to Write Java Code/Create Apps?
    7. How Do You Get a Job Once you Know Java?
  14. Chapter 14 : Wrapping Up
    1. Course Conclusion

Product information

  • Title: Java for Beginners: Your Easy Guide to Java Programming
  • Author(s): Matthew Speake
  • Release date: October 2021
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781803249629