
Abstract class

A class that cannot be instantiated.

Abstract method

A method with a name, parameter variable types, and return type but without an implementation.

Accessor method

A method that accesses an object but does not change it.


The has-a relationship between classes.


An unambiguous, executable, and terminating specification of a way to solve a problem.

Anonymous class

A class that does not have a name.

Anonymous object

An object that is not stored in a named variable.

API (Application Programming Interface)

A code library for building programs.

API Documentation

Information about each class in the Java library.


A graphical Java program that executes inside a web browser or applet viewer.


A value supplied in a method call, or one of the values combined by an operator.


A collection of values of the same type stored in contiguous memory locations, each of which can be accessed by an integer index.

Array list

A Java class that implements a dynamically-growable array of objects.


Placing a new value into a variable.


A relationship between classes in which one can navigate from objects of one class to objects of the other class, usually by following object references.

Asymmetric bounds

Bounds that include the starting index but not the ending index.


A named property that an object is responsible for maintaining.


Automatically converting a primitive type value into a wrapper type object. ...

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