Long description
Program code. In the code, the words in the variable names are merged. Line 1: forward slash, forward slash, f i g, period, 18, period, 20, colon, fractal controller, period, java. Line 2: forward slash, forward slash, drawing the, open quotes, l o feather fractal, close quotes, using recursion, point. Line 3: import, java f x, period, event, period, action event, semicolon. Line 4: import, java f x, period, f x m l, period, f x m l, semicolon. Line 5: import, java f x, period, scene, period, canvas, period, canvas, semicolon. Line 6: import, java f x, period, scene, period, canvas, period, graphics context, semicolon. Line 7: import, java f x, period, scene, period, control, period, color picker, semicolon. Line 8: import, java ...
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