... (input.hasNext()) { // loop until end-of-file indicator
27               try {
28                  // create new record
29                  Account record = new Account(input.nextInt(),
30                     input.next(), input.next(), input.nextDouble());
32                  // add to AccountList
33                  accounts.getAccounts().add(record);
34               }
35               catch (NoSuchElementException elementException) {
36                  System.err.println("Invalid input. Please try again.");
37                  input.nextLine(); // discard input so user can try again
38               }
40               System.out.print("? ");
41            }
43            // write AccountList's XML to output
44            JAXB.marshal(accounts, output);
45         }
46         catch (IOException ioException) {
47            System.err.println("Error opening file. Terminating.");
48         }
49      }
50   }
Enter account number, first name, last name and balance. Enter end-of-file indicator to ...

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