...  northPanel.add(comboBox); 53
 54    // create array for radio buttons
 55    radio = new JRadioButton[looks.length];
 57    JPanel southPanel = new JPanel();
 59    // use a GridLayout with 3 buttons in each row
 60    int rows = (int) Math.ceil(radio.length / 3.0);
 61    southPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(rows, 3));
 63    group = new ButtonGroup(); // button group for look-and-feels
 64    ItemHandler handler = new ItemHandler(); // look-and-feel handler
 66    for (int count = 0; count < radio.length; count++)
 67    {
 68     radio[count] = new JRadioButton(lookNames[count]);
 69     radio[count].addItemListener(handler); // add handler
 70     group.add(radio[count]); // add radio button to group
 71     southPanel.add(radio[count]); // add radio button to panel
 72    }
 74 add(northPanel, ...

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