... javafx.scene.shape.Circle; 12   import javafx.util.Duration;
14   public class TimelineAnimationController {
15      @FXML Circle c;
16      @FXML Pane pane;
18      public void initialize() {
19         SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom();
21         // define a timeline animation
22         Timeline timelineAnimation = new Timeline(
23            new KeyFrame (Duration.millis(10),
24               new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
25                  int dx = 1 + random.nextInt(5);
26                  int dy = 1 + random.nextInt(5);
28                  // move the circle by the dx and dy amounts
29                  @Override
30                  public void handle(final ActionEvent e) {
31                     c.setLayoutX(c.getLayoutX() + dx);
32                     c.setLayoutY(c.getLayoutY() + dx);
33                     Bounds bounds = pane.getBoundsInLocal();
35                     if (hitRightOrLeftEdge(bounds)) {
36                        dx *= -1;
37                     }
39                     if (hitTopOrBottom(bounds)) ...

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