... insertNewPerson.setString(2, lname);  
113           insertNewPerson.setString(3, email);  
114           insertNewPerson.setString(4, num);    
116           return insertNewPerson.executeUpdate();
117        }
118        catch (SQLException sqlException) {
119           sqlException.printStackTrace();
120           return 0;
121        }
122     }
124     // close the database connection
125     public void close() {
126        try {
127           connection.close();
128        }
129        catch (SQLException sqlException) {
130           sqlException.printStackTrace();
131        }
132     }
133  }

Creating PreparedStatements

Lines 28–29 invoke Connection method prepareStatement to create the Prepared-Statement selectAllPeople that selects all the rows in the Addresses table and sorts them by last name, then by first name. Lines 33–35 create the PreparedStatement selectPeopleByLastName with ...

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