Solutions to Selected Exercises
1.7 Exercises, Problems, and Projects
1.7.1 Multiple Choice Exercises:
1. Java
4. servers.
7. is a multiple of 4.
10. C
13. javac
1.7.2 Converting Numbers
16. 11000011100
19. 0x15
1.7.3 General Questions
22. 1.5 billion
25. red = 51; green = 171; blue = 18
28. javac
2.7 Exercises, Problems, and Projects
2.7.1 Multiple Choice Exercises
1. int a;
2.7.2 Reading and Understanding Code
4. 12.5
7. 2.0
10. 4
13. 5
16. 2.4
19. 5
22. 0
2.7.3 Fill In the Code
25. boolean a; a = false;
28. float avg = (float) ( a + b ) / 2; System.out.println( “The average is” + avg );
31. a *= 3;
2.7.4 Identifying Errors in Code
34. Cannot assign a double to a float variable (possible loss of precision).
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