This class
is identical to the Math
class, but additionally requires that its
methods strictly adhere to the behavior of certain published
algorithms. The methods of StrictMath
are intended
to operate identically on all platforms, and must produce exactly the
same result (down to the very least significant bit) as certain
well-known standard algorithms. When strict platform-independence of
floating-point results is not required, use the
class for better performance.
public final class StrictMath { // No Constructor // Public Constants public static final double E; =2.718281828459045 public static final double PI; =3.141592653589793 // Public Class Methods public static int abs(int a); public static long abs(long a); public static float abs(float a); public static double abs(double a); public static double acos(double a); native public static double asin(double a); native public static double atan(double a); native public static double atan2(double y, double x); native 5.0 public static double cbrt(double a); native public static double ceil(double a); native public static double cos(double a); native 5.0 public static double cosh(double x); native public static double exp(double a); native 5.0 public static double expm1(double x); native public static double floor(double a); native 5.0 public static double hypot(double x, double y); native public static double IEEEremainder(double f1, double f2); native public static double log(double ...
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