


This class is a specialized URLConnection that represents a connection to a jar: URL. A jar: URL is a compound URL that includes the URL of a JAR archive and, optionally, a reference to a file or directory within the JAR archive. The jar: URL syntax uses the ! character to separate the pathname of the JAR archive from the filename within the JAR archive. Note that a jar: URL contains a subprotocol that specifies the protocol that retrieves the JAR file itself. For example:

jar:!/       // The whole archive
jar:file:/usr/java/lib/my.jar!/com/jar/          // A directory of the archive
jar:!/com/jar/Jar.class // A file in the archive

To obtain a JarURLConnection, define a URL object for a jar: URL, open a connection to it with openConnection( ), and cast the returned URLConnection object to a JarURLConnection. The various methods defined by JarURLConnection allow you to read the manifest file of the JAR archive and look up attributes from that manifest for the archive as a whole or for individual entries in the archive. These methods make use of various classes from the java.util.jar package.

Figure 12-10.

public abstract class JarURLConnection extends URLConnection {
// Protected Constructors
     protected JarURLConnection(URL url) throws MalformedURLException;  
// Public Instance Methods public ...

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