


This class is the java.nio version of It is a selectable channel that can be used by servers to accept connections from clients. Unlike other channel classes in this package, this class cannot be used for reading or writing bytes: it does not implement any of the ByteChannel interfaces, and exists only to accept and establish connections with clients, not to communicate with those clients. ServerSocketChannel differs from in two important ways: it can put into nonblocking mode and used with a Selector, and its accept( ) method returns a SocketChannel rather than a Socket, so that communication with the client whose connection was just accepted can be done using the java.nio APIs.

Create a new ServerSocketChannel with the static open( ) method. Next, call socket( ) to obtain the associated ServerSocket object, and use its bind( ) method to bind the server socket to a specific port on the local host. You can also call any other ServerSocket methods to configure other socket options at this point.

To accept a new connection through this ServerSocketChannel, simply call accept( ). If the channel is in blocking mode, this method will block until a client connects, and will then return a SocketChannel that is connected to the client. In nonblocking mode, (see the inherited configureBlocking( ) method) accept( ) returns a SocketChannel only if there is a client currently waiting to connect, and otherwise immediately ...

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