


This class implements the general ZLIB data-decompression algorithm used by gzip, PKZip, and other data-compression applications. It decompresses or inflates data compressed through the Deflater class. The important methods of this class are setInput( ), which specifies input data to be decompressed, and inflate( ), which decompresses the input data into an output buffer. A number of other methods exist so that this class can be used for stream-based decompression, as it is in the higher-level classes, such as GZIPInputStream and ZipInputStream. These stream-based classes are sufficient in most cases. Most applications do not need to use Inflater directly.

public class Inflater {
// Public Constructors
     public Inflater( );  
     public Inflater(boolean nowrap);  
// Public Instance Methods
     public void end( );                                   synchronized
     public boolean finished( );                           synchronized
     public int getAdler( );                               synchronized default:1
5.0  public long getBytesRead( );                      synchronized default:0
5.0  public long getBytesWritten( );                   synchronized default:0
     public int getRemaining( );                           synchronized default:0
     public int getTotalIn( );                           default:0
     public int getTotalOut( );                          default:0
     public int inflate(byte[ ] b) throws DataFormatException;  
     public int inflate(byte[ ] b, int off, int len) throws DataFormatException;     synchronized
     public boolean needsDictionary( );                    synchronized
     public boolean needsInput( );                         synchronized
     public void reset( );                                 synchronized
     public void setDictionary(byte[ ] b); public ...

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