This class
implements the general ZLIB data-decompression algorithm used by
gzip, PKZip, and other
data-compression applications. It decompresses or inflates data
compressed through the Deflater
class. The
important methods of this class are setInput( )
which specifies input data to be decompressed, and inflate(
, which decompresses the input data into an output buffer.
A number of other methods exist so that this class can be used for
stream-based decompression, as it is in the higher-level classes,
such as GZIPInputStream
. These stream-based classes are
sufficient in most cases. Most applications do not need to use
public class Inflater { // Public Constructors public Inflater( ); public Inflater(boolean nowrap); // Public Instance Methods public void end( ); synchronized public boolean finished( ); synchronized public int getAdler( ); synchronized default:1 5.0 public long getBytesRead( ); synchronized default:0 5.0 public long getBytesWritten( ); synchronized default:0 public int getRemaining( ); synchronized default:0 public int getTotalIn( ); default:0 public int getTotalOut( ); default:0 public int inflate(byte[ ] b) throws DataFormatException; public int inflate(byte[ ] b, int off, int len) throws DataFormatException; synchronized public boolean needsDictionary( ); synchronized public boolean needsInput( ); synchronized public void reset( ); synchronized public void setDictionary(byte[ ] b); public ...
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