


Objects of this type are used to transform a Source document into a Result document. Obtain a Transformer object from a TransformerFactory object, from a Templates object created by a TransformerFactory, or from a TransformerHandler object created by a SAXTransformerFactory (these last two types are from the javax.xml.transform.sax package).

Once you have a Transformer object, you may need to configure it before using it to transform documents. setErrorListener( ) and setURIResolver( ) allow you to specify ErrorListener and URLResolver object that the Transformer can use. setOutputProperty( ) and setOutputProperties( ) allow you to specify name/value pairs that affect the text formatting of the Result document (if that document is written out in text format). OutputKeys defines constants that represent the set of standard output property names. The output properties you specify with these methods override any output properties specified (with an <xsl:output> tag) in the Templates object. Use setParameter( ) to supply values for any top-level parameters defined (with <xsl:param> tags) in the stylesheet. Note that if the name of any such parameter is a qualified name, then it appears in the stylesheet with a namespace prefix. You can’t use the prefix with the setParameter( ) method, however, and you must instead specify the parameter name using the URI of the namespace within curly braces followed by the local name. If no namespace is involved, then you ...

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