Chapter 17. Content Handlers
Content handlers are one of the ideas that got developers excited about Java in the first place. At the time that HotJava was created, Netscape, NCSA, Spyglass, and a few other combatants were fighting a battle over who would control the standards for web browsing. One of the battlegrounds was the ability of different browsers to handle various kinds of files. The first browsers understood only HTML. The next generation understood HTML and GIF. JPEG support was soon added. The intensity of this battle meant that new versions of browsers were released every couple of weeks. Netscape made the first attempt to break this infinite loop by introducing plug-ins in Navigator 2.0. Plug-ins are platform-dependent browser extenders written in C that add the ability to view new content types such as Adobe PDF and VRML. However, plug-ins have their drawbacks. Each new content type requires the user to download and install a new plug-in, if indeed the right plug-in is even available for the user’s platform. To keep up, users had to use huge amounts of bandwidth just to download new browsers and plug-ins, each of which would fix a few bugs and add a few new features.
The Java team saw a way around this. Their idea was to use Java to download only the parts of the program that had to be updated rather than the entire browser. Furthermore, when the user encountered a web page that used a new content type, the browser could automatically download the code that was needed ...
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