Chapter 17. Third-Party Tools
A wide variety of open source and commercial third-party tools and technologies are available to assist you with developing Java-based applications.
The resources that are listed here are both effective and popular. Remember to check the licensing agreements of the open source tools you are using for commercial environment restrictions.
Development Tools
- Ant:
Ant is an XML-based tool for building and deploying Java applications. It’s similar to the well-known Unix make utility.
- Cactus:
Cactus is a unit test framework designed to work with server-side code such as servlets and EJBs.
- Continuum:
Continuum is a continuous integration server that builds and tests code on a frequent, regular basis.
- CruiseControl:
CruiseControl is a framework for a continuous build process. It includes a web interface to view build details and plug-ins for Ant, source control tools, and email notifications.
- Enterprise Architect:
Enterprise Architect is a commercial Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool that provides forward and reverse Java code engineering with UML.
- FindBugs:
FindBugs is a program that looks for bugs in Java code.
- Jalopy:
Jalopy is a source code formatter for Java that has plugins for Eclipse, jEdit, NetBeans, and other tools.
- JavaServer Faces:
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