The format() function

Perhaps, the most interesting of the String class's methods is actually one of its static methods: String.format(). To show you the power of String.format(), I'd like to create a brand new functional class for our project. So right-click on the Project name in the filesystem, shown on the left-hand side of the screen, create a new class, and call it

package strings; 
public class Strings { 
    public static void main(String[] args) { 
        CustomPrinter printer = new CustomPrinter("> > %s < <"); 
        String s1 = new String        ("Strings are arrays of characters"); 
        String s2 = new String        ("Strings are arrays of characters"); 
        printer.println ("string1: " + s1.replace("characters", "char")); printer.println("string2: " ...

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