


SSL sessions are used to obtain information about a particular SSL client or server socket. In particular, the session object can be used to retrieve (via the getPeerCertificateChain( ) method) the certificate of the connected peer; you should examine the name within this certificate to make sure that it matches the name of the server to which you want to connect. The session object is obtained from the SSL socket.

Class Definition

public interface {

    // Instance Methods
    public abstract String getCipherSuite(  );
    public abstract long getCreationTime(  );
    public abstract byte[] getId(  );
    public abstract long getLastAccessedTime(  );
    public abstract[]
                                        getPeerCertificateChain(  );
    public abstract String getPeerHost(  );
    public abstract SSLSessionContext getSessionContext(  );
    public abstract Object getValue(String);
    public abstract String[] getValueNames(  );
    public abstract void invalidate(  );
    public abstract void putValue(String, Object);
    public abstract void removeValue(String);

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